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Artesmoble is one of Spain's premier brands of high-quality and exclusive classic and contemporary furniture. Made from Spanish Elm every piece is handmade in the Artesmoble factory and by Artesmoble artisans in central Spain. Artesmoble focuses on the Spanish and European markets.

Web: www.artesmoble.com  |  SEO Strategy: B2B  |  Project Dates: 2015 to 2022

Artesmoble is a famous furniture brand in Spain known for high-quality luxury furniture. EC Center has been managing this project since its inception and is one of the best SEO references in the EC Center SEO portfolio.

This project has excellent Technical SEO, Design SEO, and Content SEO. The content is divided between product pages and blog pages. Every piece of content has been written by the Artesmoble experts and the quality of both product and blog content is extremely high.

The SEO challenge with this web is that Google initially focussed on the Product pages, and almost all the SEO Contacts came via these "money pages". This resulted in very high-quality contacts. However, over time Google started to give preference to high-quality Blog pages. While the rhythm of SEO contacts was maintained and in fact was rising slowly, the conversion rate of the Blog page SEO contacts was lower than the Product Page SEO contacts. 

In SEO, it is always important to focus on the "money page", the page that will generate the income, and in B2B, the best money pages are usually the product pages. Although Google loves to crawl and index keyword-rich blog content we should be careful in our SEO strategy to indicate to the google bots what the main focus of our web is, and that is invariably the product page. This is where we have to be very careful with our internal linking. EC Center focuses much of its SEO strategy on internal linking, to help Google understand here the "focus" of the web, and where the "money pages" are. 

Another SEO challenge with a long-time project like Artsmoble is that the web itself, technically and in design, must evolve with the ever-changing Google Algorithms and requirements. This means that the web always needs to be updated. What was successful 2 years ago may not be as successful this year.

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Services Related to this Project

Here are some of the EC Center Services related to this project.

Advanced SEO Training

What is Advanced SEO? How do I reverse Blackhat SEO? Have I chosen the correct SEO Strategy? This course will show you how to build and analyze complex SEO Reports that help you identify SEO problems and opportunities. Based on real-life experiences...

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SEO Strategy

EC Center will define your SEO Strategy to ensure a fast and accurate positioning of your website on Google. SEO, as a rule, is slow, but by defining very specific targets in very specific niches, we can accelerate the SEO process and, at the same...

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Modified B2B Website

Our Modified B2B Website is ideal for customers who need to maintain an existing design or integrate a design from a third party. This web will maintain a similar (90%) look and feel to the original web but with the technical SEO benefits of the EC...

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E-mail: shay@ec-center.com

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