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B2B Websites

EC Center offers Independent B2B websites, ideal for factories or foreign trade companies. They are built to rank higher than Alibaba and Made in China and compete effectively with other independent websites. All our websites are based on EC Engine, our proprietary complete commerce platform. You can choose between fast and simple or fast and complicated, and since EC Engine is 100% proprietary software owned and developed by EC Center, we can adapt it to your needs and requirements no matter how weird and wonderful they might be.

Standard B2B Website

The Standard B2B Website is optimized for SEO with an uncluttered design, standard EC Engine code, and a standard navigation funnel from the content-rich pages to the "money pages". This fast and simple web can be launched quickly (as soon as we have...

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Modified B2B Website

Our Modified B2B Website is ideal for customers who need to maintain an existing design or integrate a design from a third party. This web will maintain a similar (90%) look and feel to the original web but with the technical SEO benefits of the EC...

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Customized B2B Website

A Customized B2B Website is popular with customers that have a very important Brand and their public, or brand, image is as important as their SEO traffic. These websites usually have very specific design integrations, CRM integrations, and database...

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What is a B2B Website?

Generally, a B2B (Business to Business) website aims to generate contacts or Leads. To achieve this, you need B2B Traffic and a B2B Website or an "independent website" as it is often referred to in China.

In EC Center, B2B Traffic is generated by SEO (organic traffic), and the B2B Website is generated by our proprietary commerce platform EC Engine.

The better the quality of the Leads, the better the chance of converting that lead into a paying customer. The process of lead conversion is usually the responsibility of the customer's sales department. However, EC Engine does provide a leads management module or a "Customer Relationship Management" (CRM) module to assist the customer in the conversion process.

B2B Traffic

A common way to obtain high volumes of B2B Traffic has been through paid channels, specifically SEM (Search Engine Marketing) such as Google Ads. It is a reliable but also a COSTLY way. In the current challenging economic times, SEM traffic quality and quantity have declined, causing concern to both Google and Google's customers.

As a result, SEO (Search Engine / Experience Optimized) traffic has become more critical as the quality and quantity of SEO traffic are unaffected by economic downturns.

EC Center guarantees the best quality SEO traffic by defining a clear SEO Strategy to ensure our B2B customers receive B2B Leads. A confused SEO Strategy can result in web contacts that are not business-to-business. This is a waste of everyone's time. 

EC Engine also has an active SPAM filter that identifies and blocks spam contacts or robots. This means that our customers only receive REAL, high-quality, B2B Leads.

B2B Website

EC Engine is 100% proprietary to EC Center and is optimized for B2B Lead Generation, especially for Chinese customers. Our webs funnel the users to what we refer to as the "money pages" to generate what are very high-quality leads. Our B2B websites offer the possibility to contact on EVERY page, but the longer the user spends on the web, the closer they get to the "money pages".

As we focus on global markets, EC Engine is built by and for foreigners. We understand the importance of TRUST for the end customer. As such, we are very strict on implementing Cookie Policies, Data Security Policies, Privacy Policies, and data about the website owner. This information is vital not only for legal reasons but also to generate confidence and trust.

EC Engine Data is stored in Europe, in European servers, and is, therefore, the most protected data in the world. Data cannot be shared with other countries, and EC Center is responsible under European Law for the security and privacy of all customer data.

Which B2B Website do you need?

EC Center offers 3 B2B Website packages: Standard, Modified, and Customized. All our B2B Websites are based on the EC Engine Platform and have the same Control Panel.

The "Standard B2B Website" is the "straight out of the box" package, with a standard design, standard code, and standard functionality. This is the cheapest and possibly the best performing (in SEO) of the 3 options as it is focused on SEO 100% and not hampered by special design or special coding considerations.

The "Modified B2B Website" requires extra work to meet customer requirements. Typically, it requires the integration of a specific design by a third party. Often, these 3rd party designs are quite good-looking but NOT optimized for SEO. In EC Center, we do our best to optimize the 3rd party design. This is often an issue in large branded websites where the brand image is as important as the traffic and leads obtained.

The "Customized B2B Website" is where we need to go off script and create a customized design and customize code to maintain the "look & feel" of a current website. These more complicated B2B websites tend to have extra areas in the control panel for specific code functionalities. They also tend to be the most "challenging" when it comes to SEO as there are many departments and many interests involved, making the SEO process often more of a negotiation process than an optimization process.

The good news is that no matter your needs, we can do it as we own and control the platform 100%. Most B2B suppliers must rely on another "Platform Supplier" to add new functionality or modify existing code.

What does the EC Center do?

Once your B2B website has been launched, our work at the EC Center begins. Every B2B Website is assigned an EC Agent. Every week the EC Agent revises the website, focusing mainly on SEO Strategy Tasks for that website and the feedback received from the search engines (Google, Bing, Naver, and Yandex). In function of the analysis, the EC Agent will assign tasks to the Agents dedicated to Technical, Design, and Content SEO. Together with the EC Manager, the EC Agent will do an Advanced SEO analysis to ensure that the web is on schedule and to identify any SEO opportunities or challenges that present. Interactive SEO Reports are available to the customer online.

Dedicated EC Agent
Every EC Center B2B Website has a DEDICATED EC AGENT and is guaranteed a minimum of 30 hours of SEO Support every month. All support activities are documented internally in EC Center in great detail and summarised in MONTHLY SEO REPORTS.

Advanced SEO
A series of customized advanced online INTERACTIVE SEO REPORTS are available 24/7 to identify SEO issues and opportunities. Online INTERACTIVE CRM REPORTS show monthly contacts., landing pages, contact pages, etc., by channel type (SEO, SEM, SNS, etc.)

Content SEO
EC Center analyses and optimizes your content weekly to correct errors identified in GOOGLE SEARCH CONSOLE and to optimize for the KEYWORD OPPORTUNITIES identified in the Interactive SEO Reports. We guarantee constant communication to GOOGLE and other Search Engines (Bing, Yandex, Naver, Baidu) of any content changes or updates.

Design SEO
The EC Center will monitor your CORE WEB VITALS constantly to ensure that all web pages are optimized to achieve the highest PAGE EXPERIENCE possible. Any RESPONSIVE errors are corrected immediately.

Platform / Technical SEO
The EC Engine platform guarantees that you have the best SEO PLATFORM that is always being updated and adapted to any changes to the Google Core Algorithm. EC Engine is 100% proprietary to EC Center. We have NO DEPENDENCIES, and we have our own technical team.
If you think EC Center could help you achieve B2B Traffic and B2B Leads from the Global Markets, don't hesitate to contact us. We will reply to you within 24 hours.
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Contact EC Center

If you would like a free SEO analysis of your website or would like to know more about EC Center Suzhou and our services please contact us below. We will reply to you within 24 hours.

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Contact EC Center

EC Center Suzhou

Office 1207 Jinhe International Building,
35 Shishan Road,
215011 Jiangsu,

Telephone: +86 18625017269
E-mail: shay@ec-center.com

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