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Customized B2C Website

Custom B2C Websites can contemplate any customer requirement such as complete dropship synchronization with the supplier allowing the website to update automatically stocks, prices, new products, remove old products etc. We can integrate any payment type required or integrate with any backoffice.

REF: B2C003

Design: Custom
Database Design: Custom Funnel
Number of Products: No limit
Languages: 1-Many
Order Management System: EC Engine OMS Module with Dropship Email and backoffice Module
Payment Systems: Paypal, Bank Transfer, Credit Card (VISA, CECA, SERMAP) + Extra Payment Methods
Order Types: Online, Made To Order, Request for Quote with Dropship integration

Web can be built and launched in 6-8 weeks (depending on the availability of content). Once launched, the customer receives 12 months of SEO Service, including a Dedicated EC Agent and online Interactive SEO Reports.

In Custom B2C Websites we can address any type of integration that the customer may require, such as full website synchronization with their supplier's back office, stock control, image updates, product updates, price updates, etc. Ideal for complete dropshipping.

Please contact us if you would like more information about this service, including the cost.

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Examples of Customized B2C Website

Here are some examples of EC Center webs that use this service.

Contact EC Center

If you would like a free SEO analysis of your website or would like to know more about EC Center Suzhou and our services please contact us below. We will reply to you within 24 hours.

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Contact EC Center

EC Center Suzhou

1207 Jinhe International,
Binhe Road,

Telephone: +86 18625017269
E-mail: shay@ec-center.com

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