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Charlotte - Sales Director

Charlotte is responsible for project sales at EC Center and has many years of experience in project planning, development and execution, and interfacing. Charlotte is passionate about client service and relationship building. Project sales require understanding the core benefits of one's products and services and explaining how they will benefit the client. They also need to communicate with programmers and optimizers about solutions, expected results, timelines, and service period execution. Comfortable communicating and collaborating with cross-functional departments in response to customer feedback to help resolve issues and ensure customer satisfaction to maintain long-lasting business relationships and build customer loyalty.

Before EC Center, Charlotte had over 6 years of experience in B2C e-commerce (Amazon, Aliexpress, eBay, etc.). After joining EC Center, she was able to quickly learn and master Google SEO-related skills and understand the current export pain points of domestic B2B foreign trade companies. With the decline of Alibaba, the global epidemic makes international exhibitions stagnant, SEO suppliers are uneven and ineffective, SEM's cost is getting higher and higher, and many foreign trade enterprises can only utter a sigh with the export.....

With its unique EC Engine platform and more than 20 years of Google SEO experience, EC Center can help companies define a comprehensive SEO strategy to help foreign trade enterprises maximize their customer acquisition potential, improve website performance and brand awareness, and generate more leads and sales.

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List of Blogs written by Charlotte

Here is a selection of blogs by Charlotte.

Why is using ChatGpt to generate a blog in one click bad for Google SEO?

10/7/2023 - News

The rise of AI has revolutionized the way people create content. With the help of AI, we can generate large amounts of text in minutes. It's tempting to use...

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How to get a blog on Google Featured Snippets?

10/6/2022 - News

Google featured snippets, which are "highlighted" text excerpts located at the top of Google search results pages, provide a quick answer to a user's query and...

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What is the reason that your B2B website SEO has been unable to achieve results?

17/5/2022 - News

There are often companies confidently found a supplier to do B2B website SEO, but a year down, almost no results or the performance did not meet expectations;...

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Google EAT in Content SEO

29/7/2021 - News

Content SEO is a key element of EC-Center practice. We have used content strategies to make valuable gains for our clients and help them to gain more "mileage"...

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The Challenges of Content SEO

1/7/2021 - News

Content SEO is the easiest part of SEO to understand but it is very difficult to do correctly. Before investing a large amount of time in creating content that...

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Finding Keywords for SEO

26/6/2021 - News

When a user enters a keyword in Google to find a product or service or to find a supplier who can provide that product or service. If your page can successfully...

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Website Pre-launch Strategy Analysis

26/6/2021 - News

Before launching a website, it is very important to make sure you know what you are dealing with. A website is a collection of varied pages that should all...

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Data Analysis in SEO

9/6/2021 - News

Accurate data is the foundation of good SEO. Without complete data, strategies will emerge with built-in blind spots and missed opportunities. EC-Center uses a...

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Develop Key SEO skills

14/4/2021 - News

With the everchanging search engine landscape, continuous education can help you develop your SEO knowledge, refresh important skills and provide productive...

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Mastering Keywords

2/4/2021 - News

Depending on the SEO Strategy you have chosen (Wiki, B2B, B2C) the keywords you should be focussing your content on can be very different. Solar Panels are good...

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How to Produce B2B Webpages

21/3/2021 - News

The vast majority of EC-Center's work in Asia is with B2B clients. Some are new factories hoping to establish their first sales channels, while others are...

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SEO Writing Guidelines

9/3/2021 - News

Time spent writing good content is vital for increasing the possibility of success for a website. By following guidelines for style and structure, companies can...

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If you would like a free SEO analysis of your website or would like to know more about EC Center Suzhou and our services please contact us below. We will reply to you within 24 hours.

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EC Center Suzhou

1207 Jinhe International,
Binhe Road,

Telephone: +86 18625017269
E-mail: shay@ec-center.com

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